To ensure your oil's properties are at its full potential for the longest time and make sure you have the best experience using Bliss 9 oils we recommend you follow the instructions below:
1. Keep the oil bottle in the box
Pure essential oils are very volatile and they evaporate quickly. The only way to totally (100%) protect the oils is to keep them either in the box or a completely black bottle as amber or blue bottles do let in light although at a slower pace.
2. Once opened use it within a year
I have tested my blends in the transparent bottles and they lasted a good 24 months. Once the bottle is opened it is good to use it within a year to fully experience the amazing properties at its best.
3. Learn to take care of your health
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. Learning and teaching is a lifelong process. Learning to take care of our health is of vital importance especially at our high pace, high strung society. Learning to slow down and take things easy is not going to be fast and quick.
Escape from the Tyranny of thoughts in the 21st century...
Taking a vacation from our mind is a state few of us can achieve in this era.
Our To-Do-List never ends. As we rush from dawn to dusk.
Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines. Money. Money. Money.
An incessant mantra for our materialistic and competitive society.
Perhaps we can all slow down, work less, earn less, consume less, want less, stress less...
With less to do, more to be, maybe we can reverse the ill effects our competitive environment has done to our health and the health of our planet.
Perhaps when we take the time to smell a flower, watch the amazing, display of beautiful neon coloured clouds drifting across the ever changing sky in the dawn and fading into the dusk.
Watch the leaves fall from the trees on a lazy sunny afternoon.
Hear the wind whispers through the bamboo leaves while we sip and enjoy a cup of tea.
Listen to the thunderous sound of the rain pouring onto zinc roof tops.
Enjoy just being and not doing.
Perhaps we can reverse the damage we have done to ourselves and our world...
Bliss 9 believes in ritual and taking the time to relax and wind down, starting with introducing these wonderful blends into your daily life.
You can start with, the Any Day. Any Time. Any Where, bag of oils which contains 13 of our blends (13 x 3ml). Pausing a few moments every now and then, close your eyes and pick a blend. Find the space and take the time to inhale these amazing aromas.
When you noticed you picked a certain blend 3 times, it shows that whatever oils are in that blend is what you need for the time (about 2 to 3 weeks). You can then purchase the body oil and the essential oil to use during your bath/shower and or diffuse the essential oil in your room or office.
Start your day brilliantly with a drop of Awakening essential oil in the middle of your palm, rub and inhale deeply three times, allow this zesty blend to wake you up, or use the bath/shower oil in your shower and emerge alive with vitality, ready for a beautiful day.
End your night with a drop of Slumber essential oil in the middle of your palm, rub and inhale deeply three times, allow this hypnotic blend to gently lure you to dreamland, or use the bath/shower oil in your bath and emerge with satiny soft skin ready for a peaceful sleep.
Take your bath/shower time as a sacred time and space for yourself. Practice slowing down and if possible see if you can stop thinking, even for a minute. Perform this ritual every day both morning and evening.
Take your time to inhale these wonderful aromas before application, put the oil back into the box after using in a quiet and reflective mood.
Break the momentum of a crazy busy day with a drop of Mind essential oil in the middle of your palm, rub and inhale deeply three times, allow this relaxing blend to help you slow down and take a much needed break for a cup of tea. You will quickly realise how beneficial these wonderful moments are. Likened to taking a vacation from your mind, a resuscitating pause, from the ever incessant stream of thoughts :-)